Thursday, January 20, 2011

News from Charlie

Marshall tells us that people keep asking what we’re up to, so he’s asked us to tell you via the blog.  Although Richard’s moved off to Utah, I’m still here in Houston, and I’m still working on publishing new books under the H&R banner.  Currently, my focus is on the new Nick Trost book (Vol. 3) and the FFFF book.  With Marshall taking over the day to day running of the business, I get more time to catch up on other stuff I haven’t had time to do the last few years.  I’ve even had time to completely read some of the new magic books! I just finished the new Sleights of Mind book, which was a lot of fun in-depth science mixed in with a bunch of guys we know. I didn’t agree with everything in the book, but I did find the whole thing very thought-provoking. It’s always kind of neat to see what outsiders (in this case, “former” outsiders) think of magic.

I’m also reading Roberto Giobbi’s Secret Agenda.  It’s quite enlightening to only read a page or two a day -- giving you plenty of time to think about what’s being said.  Gary Plants and I shared the rubber band powers of darkness trick with some friends, and it went over very well.  

I also just finished the new issue of Magic magazine and really enjoyed Adam Rubin’s article on Mark Setteducati. Mark’s a very fascinating guy who’s been able to turn his creativity into a great career. I remember Mark pushing Mel Stover around in his wheelchair and thinking, "there are two creative geniuses."  Finally, just got the new catalog from Gabe Fajuri for the new Potter & Potter auction.  Besides some really cool gambling apparatus you’ll find a few books from us! That’s all for now.


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